The marriage is still sanctified and all (srsly, how many gay folks have to get married - legally - for my marriage to stop being valid? Because Canada and some European countries have had gay marriage for awhile, and everyone there seems to be okay. Maybe it's an American thing...)
The Derbyshire Ren Faire is going on tomorrow and next weekend, and Dun Traigh will be there, fighting, dancing, and generally getting all up in people's faces about joining. It'll be FUN!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Check in
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Yay, California!
Teh Gayez are getting married in CA! Somehow, the sanctity of my marriage is okay for now. Maybe there's a tipping point? I think maybe I should monitor our marriage carefully as more and more gayez get married, just to make sure.
I survived! (sort of)
Border Wars in two words: Fun. Brutal. It was hot, then cold, then stormy, then hot again. Mix that up with almost no sleep and much drunken revelry, it's a prescription for some kind of nasty hell virus. I'm sick as a dog. But BBW was a blast, Ernmas got her Order of the Willow (for teaching A&S and making garb).
I spent Friday and Saturday night nekkid as a jaybird, because that damn chemise has way too much fabric to wear for very long.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
If I were to ever spawn (not friggin likley), I would KILL any idiot who brought me shoez like these for my baby daughter. I would probably be more forgiving if they were for a boy, but still! Let's indoctrinate kids into uncomfortable, damaging shoes before they can walk!Via Shakesville
I love LOLCats. And dogs, and bunnies, and hedgehogs, etc. But LOLspeak drives me BATTY! Wh is that, I wonder? Maybe I can only take bad spelling in small, funny doses with cute pictures attached. Hmmm...
I cannot possibly be the only person who feels this way. Can I? (crickets)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Somehow, I feel better
Not for any real reason that I can think of. But I do feel better. The dentist told me I have three teeth the need pulled (ironically enough, not the wisdom tooth I thought was causing the problems in the first place...) The one that's currently infected goes first, that's on Monday or Tuesday, then the rest as I can afford them.
The stupid stimulus check STILL ISN'T HERE. But i think I'm somehow also okay with this. We can afford site, gas and food with Hubby's respite check. Everything else is gravy.
Stimulus checks, my ass
The only thing these goddamn checks have stimulated is my urge to go strangle some IRS bureaucrats. Hubby and I are supposed to get $600. Our check was supposed to be mailed on Friday. Not here yet (Border War, however, is coming up rather soon. As in, we're supposed to be there tomorrow to help set up Camp DragonScythe.) The IRS web site only says that the check is supposed to be mailed on the 6th. Grrrrrr...
On the "plus" side, I have a wisdom tooth coming in sideways that will probably have to be pulled.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Now you can bug people AFTER the Rapture...
This is... This is mind boggling. There's a site (that I'm not going to like to, it's in the Wired post if you're that interested) that lets you pay $40 a year to prepare email messages to be sent to friends and loved ones six days after the Rapture. The only part of the damn rapture I'm looking forward to is not being hectored by fundies everywhere I turn, and now THIS? Why, gods, WHY?!?
From The Stranger.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Red Wings Win!
We got the Cup! We got the Cup! They barely held on against a very determined Penguins team, but the WON!!! Happy, happy, happy!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Confustion reigns is claiming (based on AP delegate counts) that Obama has the nomination. says he's "inching closer." The AP story quotes insiders, who say Clinton is etting ready to acknowledge the delegate math and concede. Probably in exchange for a fairly high position in a putative Obama administration, if not the VP slot. Hmmmm...
Monday, June 2, 2008
Three hours I will never, ever get back.
This pat Saturday, I was subjected to the most horrific waste of time I've seen in years. No, not Magic: The Gathering. Not even World of Warcraft. Not even, heaven forfend, Second Life. No, dear readers (all two of you), I was forced to view Sex and the City. Against my will.
As everyone in the Western Hemisphere knows by now, the massively overhyped movie based on a TV series based on a book came out of Friday. Synopsis: Big is an asshole. Samantha is a bitch. Miranda is even bitchier. Charlotte screams a lot. And has a baby. Carrie is self absorbed and label obsessed. Why, gods, why do I even know these characters names? The movie is vapid. A character craps her pants. Pubic hair jokes are made. Lots of people have lots of sex. I get to see way more of a guy who isn't my husband than I ever wanted to in an R rated movie. Gay men flame, and it's a HORRIBLE!!!11!!
There. I feel better now.