Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Public Service Announcement

Once again...

You're is a contraction of the words 'you' and 'are.' Ex: You're dumber than a crate of anvils, aren't you?

Your indicates the possessive. Ex: Your signs are misspelled.

I've seen way too many signs lately that make these mistakes, and it drives me nuts!!! One, in a local convenience store, uses 'you'r' and 'your' when they clearly mean you're. I'm going to upgrade to a camera phone sometime soon, and document this bullshit.

From the 'Water is Wet' Department...

Stonehenge builders had geometry skills to rival Pythagoras

Y'know, I get really, really tired of the assumption that people in the past = stupid.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sad news

Robert Asprin, aka Yang the Nauseating of the Great Dark Horde, passed recently. Raise your glasses!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Phoenix has landed!

NASA' new Mars lander touched down successfully tonight, in a mission that was said to have a 50/50 chance at success. This makes me happy! This one is evidently designed to dig into the surface and find even earlier evidence of water, or maybe even actual water!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ded of teh cute


A baby otter! I love otters!

Friday, May 23, 2008

No news

Okay, there's lots of news, but I'm still feeling like crap, so not tonight. Maybe tomorrow...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stupid pollen count

Stupid unemployment. Stupid anxiety. Stupid insomnia. Stupid acid reflux. Stupid life in general. I am tired, I am stressed, I have a migraine, and I'm broke. But I get to go see Sex and the City next week! /me screws smile into place. Joy.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bring on the Stars!

I've joined SETI@home. As I type, my computer is crunching data from a radio telescope. My tired old Pentuim 4 might find the first evidence of intelligent alien life! As an SF fan, how could I resist? If you're interested, here's the link. Please consider donating at least some processor cycles. Understanding what's Out There may lead to better understanding of ourselves.

Hagee has lost touch with the reality-based comunity

Video from Olberman:

Rev Hagee pretty much said that God allowed the Holocaust to force the Jews to return to Israel. In a way that is approving, because to most Evangelicals, the Jews returning is integral to the End Times. During which, every single frelling person (Jews included) who doesn't convert to the One True God(TM) will die an agonizing death and go straight to hell. Do Not Pass Go. They're props in the Evangelical Passion Play. The slide into misanthropy accelerates...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Did you know?

Plan B (aka emergency contraception) is available over the counter in the US? You have to ask a pharmacist for it, but you can get it without a 'scrip. How cool is that? Now, if only we could keep asshats from refusing to dispense it...

Hail to the Queen, baby!

Upon acquiring a new wireless router (and recovering from Saturday), I proceeded to attempt to set up the network. Instead of three hours on the phone with a tech support lady from India, I spent about twenty minutes futzing around on the Linksys website, and set the damn thing up myself. I am basking in the glow of my inner nerdliness.

For the Record

My body is not public property. Being in a public space does not give you the right to take pictures up my skirt, comment on said skirt, call me a wench, or make me breathe your cigarette smoke. Why is this so difficult?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm fried

Sunburned, my voice is going, my hip aches like you would not believe, and I'm pretty sure I never want to see another child again, EVER. And I had a great time getting there!

Dun Traigh just did our annual demo at Muskegon Community College's Mayfest. Lots of people, lots of kids, lots of potential new members. Lots of telling people that yes, they could try on the jewelry, no, nothing on the table was for sale, hey, get the hell away from our food, no, you can't just take any of the library's collection of early 1990's Tournaments Illuminated or Compleat Anachronist. Good times, man. Good times. I'm going to take a major league painkiller and curl up in bed. Hopefully, I can get up at 5:30 to take the husband to work.

Oh, yeah, one of our fighters got an armor bite. And we'll be on the local access newscast and the community college channel. Kewl!

Friday, May 16, 2008

I saw a movie!

Not just a movie, mind you, but Price Caspian! And it rocked! So I'm food deprived but full of joy.


From my old stomping grounds, WashU students wage a silent protest when anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly got an honorary degree. A few days before the ceremony, she called the protesters "a bunch of losers." Stay classy, Phyllis. Stay classy. (Feministing) has a headline claiming that Bush and McCain 'attacked' Obama. (note the air quotes) Was I out of the room when Journalism decided that calling someone 'The Hamas Candidate' wasn't actually an attack? if McCain hauled off and punched... well, anyone, would that be termed an 'assault'?

A Georgia judge has ruled that because a woman wasn't a virgin, and had consented to sex with her attacker before, she couldn't have been raped. She now has to pay $150,000 in defense costs. Rape shield laws apply only in criminal cases - and doesn't THAT need changed? (Feministing)

An all girls high school in New York has decided that students need a male escort to attend their own goddamn prom. (Shakesville and Feministing)

California Supreme Court
overturns gay marriage ban! About fucking time! Ellen Degeneres has announced that she's getting hitched.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Not so much with the Queen Geek...

Stupid LifeDrive. It works, except for the whole thing where it resets instead of turning off. So not as useful, but still working.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Edwards Endorses Obama

Not really a surprise - no matter what anyone says, the delegate math is on Obama's side. Plus, he made the endorsement in Grand Rapids, only an hour from where we live!

Because everything was going so well...

The gods decided to smack me upside the head. I've been having horrible cramping sensations in my chest on and off for almost three years - it would come and go and the only thing that would help was muscle relaxants or heavy-duty pain meds. I assumed it was anxiety, but I've been on the Paxil for nine months now, and I'm still having it. So I gave up and went to the doc, who diagnosed me with... Acid reflux. And since the Nexium he gave me actually seems to be working, I'm'a have to go with that as well. This is evidently a family thing - my dad has it really bad. Joy.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

That's QUEEN GEEK to you!

Over eight months after it got soaked after being left out (accidentaly) in a rainstorm, I brought my Palm LifeDrive back to life! It only required much swearing, one sleepless night, and fully disassembling the damn thing and putting it back together, but IT WORKS!!! Now I can read books and watch SG:A eps in bed without hauling the Mac in with me! Oh, happy day!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Because it worked so well the last time... Is it time to invade Burma?

No comment. No fucking coment. Whatsoever.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Some good

It's not a whole hell of a lot, but they evidently were able to get some data off a hard drive that melted when Columbia re-entered. From the article:

During Columbia's fateful mission, the drive had been used to store data from a scientific experiment on the properties of liquid xenon.

Most of the information was radioed to Earth during Columbia's voyage. Edwards was able to recover the remainder, allowing researchers to publish the experiment in the April issue of a science journal, Physical Review E.

At least they got something concrete. Out of tragedy...

Oh, gag. Just... gag.

I'm all for the entrepreneurial spirit and everything, but this is just gross. There's a site you can go to to post pictures and beg rich men for a boob job. I shit you not.

Here's a thought - why don't you spend your time and energy doing something useful instead of begging for money?

First post!

The move to Blogger has gone pretty smoothly - much smoother than moving cross-country was. But, here 'tis, my new blog. Have fun.