Friday, May 16, 2008


From my old stomping grounds, WashU students wage a silent protest when anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly got an honorary degree. A few days before the ceremony, she called the protesters "a bunch of losers." Stay classy, Phyllis. Stay classy. (Feministing) has a headline claiming that Bush and McCain 'attacked' Obama. (note the air quotes) Was I out of the room when Journalism decided that calling someone 'The Hamas Candidate' wasn't actually an attack? if McCain hauled off and punched... well, anyone, would that be termed an 'assault'?

A Georgia judge has ruled that because a woman wasn't a virgin, and had consented to sex with her attacker before, she couldn't have been raped. She now has to pay $150,000 in defense costs. Rape shield laws apply only in criminal cases - and doesn't THAT need changed? (Feministing)

An all girls high school in New York has decided that students need a male escort to attend their own goddamn prom. (Shakesville and Feministing)

California Supreme Court
overturns gay marriage ban! About fucking time! Ellen Degeneres has announced that she's getting hitched.

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