Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Because everything was going so well...

The gods decided to smack me upside the head. I've been having horrible cramping sensations in my chest on and off for almost three years - it would come and go and the only thing that would help was muscle relaxants or heavy-duty pain meds. I assumed it was anxiety, but I've been on the Paxil for nine months now, and I'm still having it. So I gave up and went to the doc, who diagnosed me with... Acid reflux. And since the Nexium he gave me actually seems to be working, I'm'a have to go with that as well. This is evidently a family thing - my dad has it really bad. Joy.


Anonymous said...

Acid reflux does present that way. Of course, so does an anxiety attack. Yes, acid reflux is often genetic and passes through the generations. Mom and I have similar problems. Hopefully the new meds work better for you.

Kathleen Brook said...

Well, the nexium seems to be helping overall, but I stil have breakthrough heartburn - need to get some Tums or something. I think between Dad and I, we'll be keeping antacid makers in business for awhile...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know that one. I keep a bottle of Rolaids by my bed.