Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm fried

Sunburned, my voice is going, my hip aches like you would not believe, and I'm pretty sure I never want to see another child again, EVER. And I had a great time getting there!

Dun Traigh just did our annual demo at Muskegon Community College's Mayfest. Lots of people, lots of kids, lots of potential new members. Lots of telling people that yes, they could try on the jewelry, no, nothing on the table was for sale, hey, get the hell away from our food, no, you can't just take any of the library's collection of early 1990's Tournaments Illuminated or Compleat Anachronist. Good times, man. Good times. I'm going to take a major league painkiller and curl up in bed. Hopefully, I can get up at 5:30 to take the husband to work.

Oh, yeah, one of our fighters got an armor bite. And we'll be on the local access newscast and the community college channel. Kewl!

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