Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hagee has lost touch with the reality-based comunity

Video from Olberman:

Rev Hagee pretty much said that God allowed the Holocaust to force the Jews to return to Israel. In a way that is approving, because to most Evangelicals, the Jews returning is integral to the End Times. During which, every single frelling person (Jews included) who doesn't convert to the One True God(TM) will die an agonizing death and go straight to hell. Do Not Pass Go. They're props in the Evangelical Passion Play. The slide into misanthropy accelerates...


Jamie Bougher said...

One thing that amuses me about the "End Times" stuff - the number of people I've heard tell me that we shouldn't want peace in the Middle East, because that's a sign of the return of Christ... It boggles my mind. If you believe in that stuff, well, shouldn't you want Jesus to return and therefore be supporting peace? And if you don't believe in that stuff, shouldn't you be supporting peace anyway?

But I've had conservatives of both the religious and atheist stripes tell me that I should be grateful for the wars over there.

*shakes head*

F*cking bible. ^_^

Kathleen Brook said...

What really blows my mind is that the book this whole damn thing is based on - Revelation - is pretty much the account of a bad trip in the desert. There is no other explanation for some of the supposed 'prophecy' in there. The description of the beast? Textbook bad trip. And people base a religion on this stuff?

The FSM is looking better and better, I tell ya!