Monday, July 14, 2008

Yo ho, Yo Ho, an insomniacs life for me

What could be better when you can't sleep than hot tuna casserole and Stargate Atlantis? I'll tell you: Not very much.

There are three thing, however, that i could do without:

1) A mother who seems to think that helping her daughter keep her commitments despite plan changes 'isn't really' her 'problem.'
2) An hysterical aunt who calls from her cell while driving our van, screaming that it's not working and how do I get where I'm' going and WASN'T IT WORKING FINE FOR YOU?!?!!11
3) a broken down mode of transport.

But I have tuna casserole and SGA - it can't be all bad. And if I'm very, very luck, I'll have caramel fudge brownies tomorrow.

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