Saturday, August 30, 2008

I feel like a zombie

I had to go see my doctor yesterday for renewals on my anxiety and sleep meds. Luckily, (or not) that was the day I started trying to cough up a lung. I've also got a sinus infection, but the doc gave me that wonderfule cough syrup with the codiene. I'm gonna go to sleep now...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fleas my cats have

How the hell they got fleas is beyond me, but the damn things must be screwing like bunnies AND immune to treatments, because we ended up having to give Mika a bath last night.

Read that last sentence again. I'm just glad she's front declawed and we have a deep tub, otherwise I'd have stitches today.

Putin's Lost it

He's running for the Batshitcrazymobile as I type. He's now claiming that the US orchestrated the late unpleasantness between Russia and Georgia. Dude, we can't organize a fuckup in a whorehouse here in the US (see: Katrina, Rita, etc), much less half a world away!

Tech stuff

I've given up on Mobipocket. Flat out given up. I cannot figure out what the hell is causing it to hang up in the HotSynch process, but it's just not worth the headaches. Those are for school and family. I've moved on to Plucker, which is open source and DRM free.


This is in a mall in Fukuoka, Japan.

I'm told this works kind of like a dot matrix printer, but with water droplets instead of ink. Mesmerizing, isn't it?


I missed being able to skip my typing class altogether by TWO ERRORS! Bah!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm too bloody old for school!

I've gone from 'w00t! Classes are starting soon!' to 'ZOMFG, I've got 17 hours worth of classes starting NEXT WEEK!!!1!' And I need to write a nice thank-you note to Gov. Grnaholm for No Worker Left Behind, because my books cost over $800!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The TV isn't entertaining enough...

Mikaido now wants to sleep on top of the computer monitor. While I'm using it. She usually sleeps toward the back, but today, she decided to sprawl out, hanging her paws right in front of what I'm doing. Thanks, kitty. Thanks ever so much.

And then there's the walking. We enjoy walking the cat - it gets her lots of attention, which she adores, and gets us some exercise. But it's raining, and I've had a headache since last night. So when she slipped past me and down the stairs, I decided to teach her a lesson about puddles and water from the sky. You can guess how well that worked out. She loved it. Loved it. Figures.

I hate computers

Well, I hate the fact that my computer and my Palm can't seem to communicate. I fixed the Mobi problem - turns out I can download the thing directly to the Palm. So now I can read my ebooks. Yay!

In other news, I'm taking SEVENTEEN total credit hours this semester - it's going to be crazy hectic. PC repair, networking, typing, Dreamweaver, Principals of Accounting (Sister can help with that...), Business Math and Advanced Business Communication. Books alone are going to run seven to nine hundred bucks. Thank FSM for Governor Granholm! After this semester, I should have enough credits to do my internship in the spring and graduate in the summer!

Friday, August 22, 2008

I shall explain my evening in one xkcd strip...

Except instead of installing BSD, I was trying to make the HotSynch feature on my Palm work properly. Mobipocket was what was hanging it up, so I deleted it off my desktop and palm, after backing up all my books. But then HotSynch still wouldn't work to install the damn Mobipocket - so I deleted the Palm stuff, thinking I could re install from a download. Nope. Installshield wouldn't do something or other with the runtime. So, dug up the original CD, futzed around with resetting the damn thing THREE FREAKING TIMES, and it looks like it might finally work. I hope...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Okay, I'm a great big nerd

I just checked the startup dates for the Large Hadron Collider over at CERN, and the first actual collision is scheduled for a week before my birthday! How effing cool would it be if the found a Higgs Bosun Boson on my birthday? Of course, there's the sight chance that the world will end before I turn thirty one, but SCIENCE! SCIENCE!!!eleventy one!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Found something interesting

On, of all thing, a hijab fashion blog.

Looks an awful lot like a kirtle/veil combo, yes? Wouldn't look a bit out of place at an SCA event, would it? Okay, it's very pink, not exactly a period-popular color, but since when has the SCA been all about authenticity?

This look a lot like the Moy dress, found in a peat bog and recreated here. Irish/Muslim fashionistas unite!


WTF is up with the bugs around here? I just 'killed' a mutant mosquito-looking thing that CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD a minute ago. Nearly had a heart attack! Now I need some ativan. Hate, hate, HATE bugs.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday kitty stuff

Mikaido has decided that she needs to sleep on top of the TV. If the flat part on top of the TV were wide enough, this would be fine, mostly because we're using the damn thing as a paperweight. But it's not, so we are constantly 'entertained' by the sounds of her losing her balance and scrabbling with her claws to keep from falling down behind the entertainment center.