Saturday, July 2, 2011

Shit has happened

I have an enlarged left ovary. The ER (long story. suffice it to say that you don't need to know how they get the contrast material into you for an appendix CT scan) said it was a cyst, but my NP wanted to check. Grumble,grumble, etc. Went in for an ultrasound. Pelvic ultrasounds are NOT FUN when you're female.

Turns out that the radiologist didn't get the results back in time for my NP to review them before the long weekend, so I'm stuck. Waiting until Tuesday to find out WTF is up with my ladybits. The odd of it being just a cyst are very, very good. I know this. I also know that nearly every woman gets an ovarian syst at some point in her life. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm flipped the fuck out. Not sleeping tonight hasn't exactly helped, either.

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