Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm resigning as a member of the human race

Rep Foxx's remarks have spread around the intertubes like so much manure, but I've managed to avoid actually hearing any of it. But watching Rachel Maddow, I caught it. Maddow had Matthew Sheppard's mother as a guest and had enough class to ask Mrs Sheppard for permission to play the clip. I would have added an apology on behalf of the human race, but that's just me.

The perfect storm of homophobic bullshit this week has left me... well, as angry as a person who just lost a good friend and has a father recieving a blood transfusion and levaquin can really be. How can it possibly be any of anyone's business who sleeps with whom, who has what kind of kiny sex with whom, as long as the act are consensual and private?

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