Saturday, April 11, 2009


I just watched the latest Dr Who special. Not quite legally, you understand, but what is law in the face of nerdvana? It really and truly rocked - the former Bionic Woman, Michelle Ryan, was amazing as Lady Christine de Souza, a cat thief with a mysterious past. She held her own with the Doctor, which isn't something any of his previous companions have been able to do. Donna gave him what for, but she was an open book. Christine, on the other hand, has as many secrets as the Doctor. She's also snarky, rude and not even remotely repectful to the good Doc - somelthing I think he needs desperately. There are allusions aplenty to the return of The Master, one of my least favorite Who villans, but all in all, I'm looking forward to the next special later this year.

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