Friday, May 29, 2009

Now What?

According to Dr Cancer Doctor, if (IF, keep this in mind) Dad's kidneys continue deteriorating, he has two or three weeks. Except she hasn't done a creatinin (sp?) test in a week, since she took him the Metformin. So how the hell do we know his kidneys are actually shutting down? We don't. We won't until we get the results back from the blood draw Dr Cancer Doctor authorized. So. He's either dying sooner or later. It's the 'ifs' that are driving me mad.


Kate Burton said...

Kathleen - Sorry about your Dad. I just wanted to let you know that creatinine is a regular blood test so they should have results from that SOON!

Good Luck

Kathleen Brook said...

Kate - If Dr Cancer Doctor would actually authorize Hospice to do the blood draw, it would be a hell of a lot easier...