Monday, May 11, 2009


I've been a fan of Israeli singer Noa for... Lord and Lady, fifteen years now (I still have the ticket stub from the concert I went to in 1994. I feel old now). She's a dedicated peace activist who performed just before Rabin was assassinated. She and Palestinian artist Mira Awad are Israel's entry into the 2009 Eurovision song contest. I don't pretend to understand the contest - it's not really European Idol, and it's been around forever (ABBA won...). Their song is called 'There Must be Another Way," and Mira was interviewed on... oh, hells, some NPR show, I can't remember. The interviewer said that one of the criticisms of their duet was that it's too optimistic, and she said (paraphrasing somewhat), "I reserve my right to be optimistic!" Anyway, here's the youtube, the song is great:

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